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Category: Pets and Animals

Amblypygi, haunter of my most blasphemous of nightmares

I figure if I learn more about them, I'll have to hate them less. 

I hate their stupid arm-looking things. Apparently, they're called pedipalps and yes, they can puncture your fingers with those things. (You can google that video.) 🤢 When not harassing fingers, they use the pedipalps to grab onto / attack prey. 


UN-FUN FACT. The shorter the spine, the longer/freakier those pedipalps are. Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?

Their feelers freak me the fuck out. But I guess they're just feelers. (The feelers are the long ones that look like "whips".)

Look how they freaking walk... Apparently they can go forwards/backwards but usually when hunting. That fact, however, doesn't answer my question of why they walk like this...

But is that all those legs do? NOOOO, OF COURSE NOT. The legs have feeeeelersssss that "can detect a variety of substrate-borne and airborne chemical and mechanical cues including near-field particle velocity and substrate texture."

"The central ganglia of amblypygids also include the largest mushroom bodies of any arthropod, relative to their body size. Mushroom bodies are higher brain centers located in the first brain segment of all arthropods and their common ancestors. In insects, they are important in contextual information processing, learning, and memory. Compared to insects, lobes of amblypygid mushroom bodies are extraordinarily large and elaborately folded and are hypothesized to be associated with complex behavior such as multisensory integration during homing." OH I'M SO GLAD THEY GET TO ENJOY SOME OF THE MOST COMPLEX COGNITION AVAILABLE TO THEIR CLASS. THEY CAN EVEN TELL IF ANOTHER WHIP SPIDER IS KIN OR NOT BY TOUCH.

They can even fInd their w ay back home.

Look, I thought I was done discussing anatomy. The last thing I wanted was to find out that there's any more creepy weird limbs or grabby things. But I scrolled up. And I decided that yes, yes I did want to read about their reproduction. Here's a recap:

  • pedipalp rubbing
  • female operculumrubbing
  • the two distal horn-like extensions of the spermatophore facilitate the females movements during the sperm transfer
  • the female can move the claw-like sclerites of the gonopods in all directions
  • female did not pick up the spermpackages when copulatory courtship was not performed

please do not ask me for further detail, but you can read it here, you pervert

flat fuck creepers live in flat fuck houses


Not gonna lie to y'all. The more I learn about them, the more horrified I am. I'll be going to see bugs soon (I hope in the next couple of weeks). I believe I will see a whip spider or two. I'll try to give it a chance in person. But they freak me the fuck out still. 

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