Chuopoloscope // 6


 Today's Topic: Back 2 School Tips !

Hellooo !!! and Welcome to Another Chuopoloscope !!🥳

as u can tell, it is AUGUST !! and School is just around the corner ! (Well for some of u, unless u start in september)

here r some tips for Back 2 School Season ! (they're just usual supplies and stuff so... i'm not pretty good at tips lol)


like the song says lol. Dress However u want !  that's all i have to say🙃

TIP 2: Studying

Just do wut ur teacher told lol (i had to learn that lesson from last year bc i failed all of the quizzes lol), and just Read for a couple of days

TIP 3: Be Nice to ur Teachers

ALWAYS be nice to ur teachers and be supportive !! Ofc some of them were kind of mean to u in the past, but that don't mean ALL OF THEM r Mean. There are Some who cares More about ur Safety and Success😊😊

TIP 4: Stay Safe

Cannot believe i'm saying this, But there is ALOT of Chaos happening in our World Today. Some People could actually do something very bad..Remember wut ur Parents say: do not take candy from strangers

AND THAT'S ALLITY-ALL FOLKS !! (That was pretty bad 😭😭

Hope u Enjoy ur High School/Middle School/Wutever grade ur In !! Cya Next time for Another CHUOPOLOSCOPE !! Byeeeee !!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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