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Category: Food and Restaurants

cooking log

temporary! trying to figure out how to approach blogging.
will keep this pinned to my profile while posting independent cooking-related blogs. each entry will also be added here as a compilation

July 30th, 2023 //
cooking fun, on deglazing

I've had more time to do some cooking by myself, more specifically looking up and following new recipes as I've yet to dedicate a few staple dishes to memory. I've been mostly relying on university dorm cafeteria food otherwise.
Today, I think I've attempted deglazing for the very first time? Usually, I've only regarded the browning that formed at the bottom of the pan (referred to as the fond or sucs! two new words of the day) after sautéing was in the sink, where it was doomed into something burnt annoying to scrub away :( a bit embarrassing, I think
But it's fascinating! the joy of caramelization. shout out to tasty isomerization and polymerization. To be able to take something that I've used to disregard and finally realize that it can also be an ingredient. It was also another opportunity for me to make use of the veggie broth powder that I've made a while ago, too. It wasn't any pan sauce, but it seasoned some asparagus and mushrooms pretty well.

August 6th, 2023 //
cooking continues, asparagus soup

just made some asparagus soup from the bunch that was left over mentioned in the previous blog, it was well past the proper time to cook them because the buds have become a little mushy. It wasn't too much of a hinderance, as you can remove them with plenty of the shoot left. onions, garlic, and some scallion kept the pot company and was cooked with some butter and seasoning until the broth was added. cook a bit more, then blend into a purée. 

On hindsight, I should have chopped off the woody ends a little more as the soup became a little fibrous after blending it- or maybe I needed to blend it more? I also accidentally put too much lemon juice into it in one go, but some honey rounded out the flavor, I think. simple, mostly straightforward. Maybe a little boring, because I only made soup. I think adding some potatoes would've been tasty and will consider it in the future.

August 15th, 2023 //
Sourdough? no need to be dour, though

Making sourdough bread has been on my mind for a while, for some reason I never found myself doing it even during times where I had plenty of time on my hands. It's probably because I never baked bread before, so creating a starter for it or y'know just using a packet of yeast felt like a big jump at the time. Worrying about unintentionally forgetting about it was also a factor.
Anyways, I still don't have any prior bread experience but with a decent grasp of following instructions and some improvement in keeping track of things, I've decided to give it a shot.

Ultimately, it comes down to mixing equal parts, like 60 g flour + 60 g warm water into a jar and leaving it be in a roomtemp to warm area. The summer temp here has been on the slightly hotter side for starter, so I'll give it a little more caution

Today is the second day of the starter-making process, and I think it's looking pretty good so far, yippee :D
The expected signs are there, at least. The mixture has risen around twice it's size, bubbles are present, smells a bit funky from fermentation.
The next step(s) of discarding the existing starter and adding more flour+water comes tomorrow. Realistically, I'll probably keep most of it in the fridge indefinitely after getting tied of eating flour throughout the week, but I'm a little excited try out some new recipes. Woe, pancakes be upon ye.

August 21st, 2023 //
Sourdough Update
It's basically the end of week 1 for this sourdough project. I haven't checked in with and fed my starter yet, but I'll write up a quick reflection on the progress before I get to it. As I predicted before, didn't do anything with the discard yet, but I have about two cups' worth of it chilling in the fridge so I'll get to working with them soon.
Currently I'm putting some hope in trusting the process. I'm a little worried? The starter isn't ready yet, which can be discerned by the telltale signs of bulk growth and the presence of  air bubbles, a sweetish scent... which wasn't present in my jar of starter. HOWEVER, it's not uncommon for the process to take around two weeks rather than one, so I'm not giving up yet. Initially, the starter had a very strong (like, so pungent XP) smell, but thankfully it has lessened over time and possibly has hints of a fruitier scent? I might be just imagining that last part, but I'll take it as progress.

Given that the timing that I had with feeding the starter has been fairly inconsistent so far, as sometimes it was during the afternoon and oftentimes  it was sometime in the evening, I'm going to put more effort in feeding it at the same time every day. Cheers to week 2.

2 Kudos


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