I'm a sunflower if I were a rose maybe you would want me
What if I'm not a sunflower yes I am a rose but I'm not the rose that people would pick
I'm the rose that nobody would pick because it's broken
I'm the rose with wilted pedals and wrinkled leaves that is always picked last
I'm the rose that doesn't fit in with the rest of the bouquet that everybody always pushes away
I wasn't always wilted
But after years of name calling ridicule and bullying
My pedals are not like they used to be
I'm the rose that nobody wants because I have thorns
Thorns that I keep because if I don't look tough on the outside then their words will transform me from who I am to who I once was
I am wilted I am damaged and I am different
But I'm still a rose
I wish the other flowers in the garden could see that I am a rose and not as the flower that is wilted and brokenĀ
Broken Roses
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