Please help my friend on how to get custody into his dad and away from his mom.


(Warning abuse mention)

"So for context, my friend has parents who are either divorced or seperated (I forgot) and his mom currently has custody of him. His mom is a bad person, falsley reported him to the police for assault and battery and is phisically abusive. He messaged me and my friends about how he’s planning to move in with his dad instead, but he isn’t sure how it would work since his mom has legal custody of him. If any one has advice on how he can do it, please reply to this, thank you!"

My friend has now messaged his mom about his wishes to move in with his dad, and here is what he sent him mom:

"[8/3, 11:04 PM] Well I always wanted to move with dad mom always but I could never make a Decision because I was afraid it would hurt your feelings or I just didnt have the courage. it's not a one night thing mom I've always wanted to go with dad and these services haven't done anything to help expect make my life more difficult and emotionally exhaust me. Being with dad has made me a better person and help much more then these services

[8/3, 11:05 PM] Also mom I'm still going home but I want to live with dad

[8/3, 11:05 PM] So when I get home I'm hoping we can find a way to make this happen

[8/3, 11:06 PM] I'm not disrespecting you I just want to move with dad that's all, I hope we can come to a peaceful agreement

[8/3, 11:12 PM]  Good night"

(Services that are being discussed here are the ones that the local government gives to single parents with low income, which includes things like "programs" that the children are put into and therapy and such.) (There were more messages but. I won't be sending them due to them being personal ones) 

In response to this, his mother proceeded to berate him calling him a Devil child, and despite him explaining how much living with her has taken a toll on him, his mother is denying any responsibility. If you guys have any advice at all on how he can get custody placed in his dad and move away from his mom, please comment, thank you. 

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¡¡¡ SMITUNA !!!

¡¡¡ SMITUNA !!!'s profile picture

Using evidence like recording audios of when things start getting rough maybe (if possible),, message screenshots; maybe even of conversations between both their parents, if their mom is verbally violent with their dad as well im not sure if it would either help give more reason for your friend to stay with their dad or not but i think it should-- if there is lack of trust maybe have your friend try to build more trust between themself and their mom, i think that would make it easier to do whatever they have planned on doing, specially if it involves getting out their house during random times of the day, idk im not good with advice in these kinds of problems :(

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☆ subsp

☆ subsp's profile picture

this is a horrible situation, please send them my condolences:( i'd definitely say try to collect evidence against her, such as if she's yelling try to record it or screenshot any cruel messages. it would probably do good to contact an abuse hotline (i'll follow up with some numbers in a sec i just woke up so) you could also try to gather some donations? though that could be a bit tricky especially since they'll need to be secretive about it :( you guys have my full support

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Thank you! Ill be giving him this advice soon. It's a very tricky situation for us and all I can do is wish him the best.

by Marley Marx; ; Report

heres some links i found:

by ☆ subsp; ; Report