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Category: Life

Fat Trash Bag (poem)

Trash bag


When you meet me you think

“He’s nice but..” 

My body is always in mind and decides how you perceive me and if you’ll respect me

And not just my weight but my breasts and feminine thighs work against me and scream “women” to your eyes

You think I’m big and strange and loud and deranged and that I’m a stupid fat trash bag 

But I’m so much more then that

I’m a writer I’m a poet I’m a man

Though you’ll never see and get past how I am visibly to get to my vocality and true beauty that the worlds even made me lose faith in

And as this worlds broken me down I’ve drank, smoked, fought but it’s never shattered the fire in my heart to continue being me though everything even my own country is against my existence and peace

And though I know I’ll never escape this body that burdens me day by day I know that i am big, I have feminine thighs and breasts and crooked teeth with messy hair but I am more beautiful than most I’ve met

In a long time 

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