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Category: Life

✟ SORRY!! ✟ (Almost a month overdue)


  • Act story time, what happened at my bfs house & where I am now!! (It took me so long to finally finish this so sorry if it’s poorly written.)


     So basically the night before the act I blogged but like I didn’t gts until like 4 in the morning. I literally only slept for like 2hrs. And I didn’t even gts during the act. My dad had came in my room to wake me up first and then I just went back to sleep. Then my cousin came and woke me up and I was like: “damn. I rlly gotta get up.” And so I put on my outfit (rlly y2k white shirt with purple cheetah pj pants.) got my lanyard with my id and cashapp card in it, and then took my meds, got a jacket and got in the car and drove to the community college to take the act. We sat in the car for a little bit and then we had to get out and stand infront of the doors to go in. My cousin didn’t even go in with us I was so scared. She just pulled off and left me and my other cousin there. Anyways, after waiting for like 30mins they finally opened the doors for us to go in. Then they made all of us go to this room and in the center of the room there were like 10 huge stacks of chairs. They had stacked so many chairs that they were leaning. After standing there for like 30mins again, a lady came in there and started telling us what we can&cannot bring in the testing room, what things we need to take the test and how the test will go. So finally she grouped us into rooms based on our last names. And then we had to walk down the hall to go to the room she grouped us into and then we had to wait in line so they could mark us present. When I got to the lady I had to show her my Id and my ticket. Then I had to go find the table with my name on it and then I sat my stuff at my table and then went to the bathroom. When I was in the bathroom I was fending so bad. I was hoping I would see someone hitting their vape so I could ask for a hit. But unfortunately I didn’t. So I was just sitting in the stall pissing and grieving. I was thinking abt how much of a dumbass I was bc they didn’t even search me AND they said we could have our phones with us we just couldn’t have them out and they had to be powered off. I literally finished every part of the test before the time was up. All 75 of the english questions that we had like 40 mins on. All 60 of the math questions that we had 30 mins on. All 40 of the science and reading questions in 30 mins. I finished all of them. Before the time was up. Anyways, the lady asked us if we wanted to take the writing part and I was signed up to take it but I didn’t. I was signed up to take it and everything but it was optional and I just walked out dude. My hands were hurting so much I just couldn’t. Especially since we had to hand write it. It was just to much. So when I walked out you have to remember, my cousin pulled off, she had my phone and I was at the community college. So when I walked out I just did a lap around the hospital. When I got back to the community college my cousin pulled up right as I got there. So I got in the the car with her and it took like 10 mins for my cousin to get back in the car. So I was walking around for like 40 mins. Did I mention the whole time I was walking it was raining? And I was wearing crocs? Yeah. I told my cousin I would pay her back for the writing part lol.

Bfs house:

     So when I was abt to go to Andrews house it was so scary bc his mom told me I had to be there when his dad went to work but my cousin was gonna take me there like as soon as I got done. And that wasn’t really a good thing. Bc his dad want at work yet. So as my cousin was taking me we passed his house by accident but it was perfect bc when we pulled up his parents pulled off like 2sec before. It was such good timing. Anyways andrew was shaking so bad bc he would’ve gotten in trouble by his dad if he saw me. Anyways he picked me up and carried me over the water bc it was raining as I mentioned earlier. Anyways he stole one of his uncles cigs for me since I was fending so bad. The we went to his room for a while.. did some things … and then I went home!

My house:

     I was literally so exhausted to the point where I called Andrew and I laid down and just passed out like I don’t even remember falling asleep. When I woke up I had to mow the yard and I moved both of my dads cars twice (I did rlly good) and then after that I went to roses house!!


  • I have been struggling to write this for like three days now. I’ve just been really tired and it was so much to explain and im hanging out with my bestfriend in the whole world so I haven’t really been on my phone. I hope you guys can understand that. But anyways, thank you for reading and I’ll update you guys later, bye blog!

(I wrote this a month ago and completely forgot to ever post it.)

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