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Category: Life

tarot reading in a barnes & noble (august 3rd 2023)

3 card spread for self - past~five of cups . present~the star . future~seven of cups - there was a period of grief and sorrow for something i foresaw in my future not becoming what i had anticipated, in result demotivating me and temporarily taking my passion and drive for said vision away, however currently i am in a state of hope and happiness that is fueling the passion i once had, for some reason the vision that was not accurately completed is overlooked and i am once again inspired for my creative endeavors, the future can either bring a successful transformation regarding my artistic expression or magical delusion if my dreams begin to suppress the reality of certain situations, although im finding the magic in things again i must not let that delude me and prevent me from still being rational... pulling two cups cards already showed that this would be an emotionally driven spread and to top it off, dividing them by the star made it such a whimsical fever dream of feeling, fairy vibes, the star in the midst of emotions validating the art ive created and finding the beauty in the sorrow i created in self criticism, and in the tiny fragments of beauty, something in them was still enough to reignite my fire for art, and hopefully lead to happiness and satisfaction if i dont lose myself in my fantasy <3

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