Ms Chin

Bad english,weird grammar

Today, 2/8/23 
   I am (beepp). i am in a amazing school fulled with fun activites and nice teachers.I have many favourite teachers like Ms.Chin,Ms.Suraini,Ms Leong and Mr Yeoh .Today was Ms Chins last day to teach us, and was her last week in my school;she is moving to another state to continue her studies and chase her dreams,before second recess,it was her class and when we were walking down the stairs (near canteen) 2 girls started to cry cause they miss Ms.Chin. Ms.Chin hugged them and they went to eat while sobbing.When i reached the canteen i bursted into tears because Ms.Chin was leaving soon. at first,no one noticed, after a few minutes (about 2-3) 2 of my classmates came to comfort me;it didn't work,1 of my classmate came,didn't work.1 of my friend tried to cheer me up,didn't work.
  I was crying for 32 minutes straight.Everyone left for class and my classmate stayed with me, Ms.Cha (Vice principle)came up and comforted me,after that,she told me to go back to class.Me and my classmate was walking up the stairs with me.When i was about to enter she saw Ms.Chin and told her to come to me,Ms.Chin hugged me and told me not to cry.Of course, my classmates went outside to see "the show".. 😒
  After Ms.Chin comforted me i was a bit better.I went to class and continued my lessons.

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