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Category: Art and Photography

Artists with Aphantasia

so I've talked about it a lot on other sites and I figure why not give it a go here to see if anyone is interested! 

So hi hello, I have aphantasia. 
For those unaware, aphantasia is when you are unable to visualize or see anything in your mind. Some folks struggle with it and 'see' or imagine blurry things, things with no color, very low detail stuff, some are worse and can only see literal blobs, while others are unable to visualize anything whatsoever. It's definitely a spectrum and some people with ADHD and Autism for some reason can't visualize/see things with their eyes closed/when they're trying to force themselves to but can veerryy clearly visualize things with their eyes open. That's not necessarily aphantasia but it's something I recently learned [mostly anecdotal but still interesting as someone with all three lmao]

I :')) I am unable to see anything ever! Weirdly enough though A LOT of folks with aphantasia who can't see *anything* tend to not have dreams.. but i have extremely visual dreams despite.. not being able to visualize more than the faintest lowest contrast blob. I can't even see a purple circle if i want to. I day dream a lot but i guess it's more like telling myself a story [with no volume?? so more like reading without the text?? lmao because I can't hear stuff in my head 90% of the time either outside of simple beats] but yeah still nothing my brain! I don't have a "mind's eye" or whatever.

Rubberross is an artist with aphantasia [one of the only ones I can think of off the top of my head] and people always seem really shocked to learn it because they think he has good character design and especially because of how stylize a lot of the work they do is.. but well just cause you can't visualize things doesn't mean you can't be a good artist, or that you can't have creativity or imagination.. it's just a lot different for folks who can't visualize things ya know? it's like reading a description of something visual or molding something from clay, you can't see it until you see it.. but if you know what you're doing or have the building blocks or ideas in front of you [or in your head in terms of just thinking of stuff haha] you can learn how to do a lot of visually creative stuff.

I also draw! I draw all the time and I love doing creative things visually or otherwise. <3 and I've been drawing since I was really little though apparently most of y stuff from when i was suport little looked.. like nothing [like anything prior to 5th grade was probably just blobs haha]

So anywho the reason I talk about this is I'm just curious if people would find it interesting for me to talk about my experience with aphantasia or maybe even draw stuff or do mini work flows or tutorials so show y'all what it's like for me. 
I'm also desperately hoping I can meet other artists with aphantasia because I'd love to eventually get a group together to talk about things, maybe support each other etc <3 

Also if you don't have aphantasia for the love of god don't try to like  give advice or anything about art to me or anyone else with aphantasia unless we DIRECTLY ask you for it.
Like not to sound like a dick but y'all have no clue what it's like doing visual stuff when you can't "imagine" anything or "see" anything or visualze anything, and i'm tired of how annoying it is to go "this isn't helpful" so I'm going to be a little rude up front :')) sorry.

[also hi this is my art <3]

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