Rules for life (I might be a pessimist but at least im always right)

Don't trip on your heart strings
By that I mean don't fall for love
A trick of the light
A pretty stranger moving in the flashing lights
The booze got your brain wrapped in happy
You dont even think of the consequences
When you come to his defense

Don't mistake the locus for butterflies
They are telling you to leave
Butterflies are soft but the sharp legs that stick into your stomach are not what they seem
By that I mean don't fear who you love
The cat scratches you will end up with are not worth the thrill or the fun

Don't get caught in the clouds
I mean
Don't pretend everything is fine
Don't let the thought of being lonely stop you from saving your own life
Don't spend the rest of your life sleeping till you die
I promise saving yourself is worth the effort and the time

Don't let your love rust
I mean don't leave it to soak
Take it out of the rain
If you really love them you have to let them know
Make sure to clean it daily
Don't abandon it because it's no longer new
You're going to need that love someday and if it's rusted you're fucking screwed

3 Kudos


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