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Creepypasta Rambling

I feel like there is a lot of controversy and general negative feelings towards creepypasta and its fandom, which is completely understandable. It has too many fans that take it too far. Which ofc every fandom has those people, but this isn't rly a fandom surrounding light-hearted content... so...

And that's something at the forefront of my mind when I think about how hard I'm falling back into this fandom after banishing it from my mind since 9th grade. I think about how I was one of those "crazy fangirls" that definitely took it a little too far and didn't realize how heavy and serious the subjects were (and how poorly written/ableist it could be) until I grew up and matured. It's so ugh to think about but I also think about how much having something like the creepypasta fandom and the slendermansion to latch onto in a time like middle school for me rly helped. And at the same time, I'm glad I got a much needed break from it. I'm also glad I can now look back fondly at the good things that came from my creepypasta phase, like OCs that I still have (granted, they're DRASTICALLY different) and friends that I made, instead of wishing it never happened or that I could forget it all.

But getting back into the fandom now is surprisingly difficult. Mostly because my extreme sensitivity to violent and disturbing content that I didn't have before. Sorry not sorry I just can't wrap my head around gruesome and brutal murder of random innocent people anymore lol. But also because I just can't seem to connect with the fandom anymore? A lot of people wanna distance themselves from the reputation creepypasta fans get for being cringey weirdos who romanticize killers and mental illness, which the second half is a serious problem our fandom had (hell probably still has). But it's kinda leaked into the "cringey weirdo" part and from what I've seen, it's culminated in zero tolerance for anything silly and unserious that came with the old fandom as well? xD For example, the slendermansion. I've seen a lot of criticism and downright hatred towards it because "slenderman is evil and all the pastas hate him bcuz they don't wanna kill but he makes them." And yeah that's fair! I never heard of that concept growing up, and I think it's so interesting! But I don't agree that one is inherently better than the other, or that they can't both exist or anything. I love the heavy, disturbing part of the fandom just as much as I love the lighthearted, silly part.

But maybe I'm just biased *_* The slendermansion was my "found family" and shit like "Living with the Creepypastas" on Quotev was what kept me fucking sane. Yah, it is sad I had to find comfort in a group of murderers. Trust from personal experience that it sucked for me too. But I finally had acceptance, understanding, somewhere I wasn't treated like an outcast. And in moderation with use of critical thinking, I don't rly think that's all that bad. Idk tho, as much as I talk I SUCK at words and making points XDD Especially since this is my second time typing all this bcuz I accidentally deleted more than half of it Q_Q

Anywayyy I also wanna go off rly quick about my creepypasta OCs! Most are rly old, like from middle school, and all follow the same "human serial killer who was abused and they get revenge on their abuser(s)" formula. My favs at the time were two named Aidyn and Maze. I straight up ripped off Aidyn's design from some anime character I found in a nightcore video ROFLLL I'll link it here :3 I gave him color-changing eyes to correspond with his mood cuz obviously *_* Maze was kind of my trans awakening bcuz I was like "what if I made myself as a creepypasta.... but a boy...." Their story was a pair of best friends who go through shit. Maze runs away eventually and slowly dies due to the harsh elements and actual starvation, but he somehow looks fine he's just becoming a demon-ghost who's still somewhat human xDDDD Meanwhile Aidyn's perpetually going through it and finally has enough and has his "snap™" moment. Then they find each other again and now they're creepypasta besties. Aidyn's "creepypasta name" was Chaincraze and as u can guess, he used chains as his weapon?? 😭 Ik ik, literally how. And Maze had black/gray stuff coming from his eyes the same way Eyeless Jack does, and when he's angry or killing his eyes turn hypnotic and it's just so silly. But these guys made me so happy as a kid.

I also made a new OC when I first acknowledged how much I still loved creepypasta and wanted to get back into it. I don't rly have a name for him, but he's around 18-20yrs old and he essentially becomes a Slender proxy, he's like a reaper/"angel" of death/etc. I also gave him wack-ass eyes bcuz :3 He has bright yellow eyes that glow in the dark and is born + raised in some small hick town in a state like Nebraska. I don't rly have much else on him or his backstory rn. Other than after becoming a proxy he has two forms: an illusion form that makes him appear human to whoever he wants, and his actual form which is either gonna be his skeleton or still-rotting body. Either way, his eyes remain. I'm also kinda stuck on his outfit, I don't rly want it to be the typical "hoodie and sneakers" thing. I was thinking maybe a gothic buckled trench coat, or a leather jacket. Idk about the shirt tho. He'd also wear boots, probably also buckled, maybe platforms. And that's all I got for him! Tbh I would love to make a bunch of new OCs, I get the itch to create really easily, but my creativity's been burnt out since high school TwT


That's the end of my ramble! If u read all this, thank u SM! It rly means the world to me ^_^ I hope u have a great day!

2 Kudos


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