Hello internet, welcome to book theory

I'm going to make a staple out of the name being a play on the game theory intro. 

Anyway, I'm in the process of reading the fnaf book and something in it really stuck with me. In the story 'tiger rock' the main character, Kai is really interesting. Though I love how inclusive it is. Kai is from Hawaii, his friend Todd suffers from being ginger and his other friends (his name slipped my mind) seem to be white. 

The story itself is really interesting on its own and I love how it's written. I've decided to take a lot of inspo from the writing style and stuff because I genuinely like storytelling. 

On the other hand, one of my biggest inspos is the 'Pet Semitary' book by Stephen King. its horror related and very thrilling. 

Another book that intrests me is the 'Playground' book that seems to be taking the book internet by storm. I'm not that much of a reader but i do love a good horror book that can immerse me within its world. (I used to only read fanfics). 

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🏳️‍🌈xX_burn1ng_h0ll0w_Xx🏳...'s profile picture

hey didnt know if u were aware but ur following a proshipper

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oh what??? are u srs who??

by Mango Pudding; ; Report

sum1 named Lun4/darling, theyre ur most recent friend on or profile

by 🏳️‍🌈xX_burn1ng_h0ll0w_Xx🏳️‍⚧️; ; Report