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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

fun + cool + interesting links and sites to cure boredom

as someone who spends far to much time on their computer, i have acquired a lot of links to various sites around the internet over time. i wanted to make this post to compile and organize them for myself, as well as other who might be looking for something to do. whether youre looking for blogging resources, games, interesting sites, or time wasters, theres probably something here for you :)

list will be updated whenever i find anything new and interesting!

also yay first blog post!! yippee!!!

resources (blogging)

- https://graphic.neocities.org/directory (HUGE super well organized library of various graphics)

- https://status.cafe/ (a more in depth way to update your status)

- https://archive.cinni.net/index.php (more cute graphics)

- https://tamanotchi.world/ (get a cute definitely not tamagotchi widget for your site.)

-https://gifypet.neocities.org/ (create your very own pet for your site.)

- https://coolgifs.neocities.org/ (cool gifs)

resources (general)

- https://cdromance.com (tons of **legally obtained** roms on here specifically for rpgs/jp only games. HOWEVER the biggest draw to this site is its incredible community of fan-translators. tons and tons of translated jp only games can be found on here, and new translations are being worked on regularly.)

- https://vimm.net/ (my favorite resource for emulation/roms. if youre looking for somewhere to start with console emulation, this site is definitely worth your time. also has a huge library of archived game info, specifically a huge library of manual scans)

- https://3ds.hacks.guide/ (best place to start with 3ds homebrew)

- https://ruffle.rs/#downloads (the best way to play flash games nowadays)

- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-webp-as-png-or-jpeg/ (save a webp file as any other image type. extention for firefox but im sure thats the browser youre alrerady using. right...?)

- https://tcrf.net/The_Cutting_Room_Floor (one of the best resources for unreleased content from games. lots of cool stuff to discover on here no matter what kind of games youre into!)

cool sites and blogs

- https://dokode.moe/ (one of my favorite neocities sites, just a joy to look at in general. too much cool stuff to list here but theres a ton of good reads, blogging resources, and tips on using html found on this site!)

- https://adilene.net/ (cool blog/miku fansite!)

- https://simworld.neocities.org/ (incredibly cool fansite for the older sims games. you can find just about anything on the sims 1/2 on here. https://simworld.neocities.org/FUNSTUFFPAGE has tons of downloadables and archived flash games!!)

- https://plasticdino.neocities.org/ (another cool site. tons of really neat graphics on here too.)

- https://www.toyboxphilosopher.com/ (SUPER in depth doll reviews, really helpful resource for collectors!)

- https://odditycommoddity.neocities.org/ (wow another cool neocities site!!)

- https://hekate.neocities.org/ (ANOTHER cool neocities site. i specifically love their web guardian quiz, take the quiz and get an animal to protect your site!)

- https://cinni.net/ (do i need to say it...tons of cool resources on here as well)

- https://www.alpha.cafe/ (fansite for one of my favorite manga/OVAs yokohama kaidashi kikou. take a look and see if it convinces you to check the series out :))

time wasters and games

- https://www.bitview.net/index.php (a time machine to 2008 youtube)

- https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ngc/before/n2005_b.html (old nintendo jp site with links to lots of older games and their corresponding sites. lots of cool old renders to be found on here)

- http://www.leaf.com/ (leaf)

- https://pokemonboosterpack.com/ (open some old pokemon tcg packs WITHOUT spending 100s of dollars!)

- https://noclip.website/ (explore the maps of some older games right in your browser.)

- https://cattherapy.neocities.org/ (see a new cat every 4 seconds)

under construction graphics for literally all of your under construction graphics needs

9 Kudos


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