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Category: Games


This is where Ill put my game reviews, to keep the blogs clean and dont spam it every time I finish a game I will just edit this :)

*The dates are DD/MM/YY

Games reviews so far:

Danganroupa Happy Trigger Havoc:


I found the game pretty fun, even with some things that really bothered me, mainly Hifumi and the way people treated Chihiro after they discovered "it really was a 'he'".

I liked almost every character and felt genuinely sad/disappointed when someone was found dead/guilty. EVERY TIME I started liking somebody, they died (╥﹏╥) (and this is not a bad thing; it actually shows how the devs knew how to guide the story). I even stopped playing for some time after Chihiro died, and also after EVERY TIME THEY REFFERED HER AS "HIM".

This really pissed me off. It's like trans people simply didn't exist at the time. For a moment, I thought the fame of this game was because of representation, but NO, they created a stupid excuse and "it is a he that hates himself for not being strong" arghhhawjdajdhsasdjh.

Other than that, I didn't like Hifumi, but I understand his existence, and I was very glad that he died 🙌🙌 BUT NOT TAKA. WHY DID THEY DO THIS TO HIM? HE DIDN'T DESERVE THIS 😭😭

I think the final explanation of the game was kinda lame too, but overall, every case was pretty interesting. The murders were creative, and the characters had nice personalities.

I didn't talk much about the gameplay because it almost doesn't have one XD, but I don't mean it in a bad way. The dialogues are fun by themselves, and it didn't have a lot of lame choices that don't affect the story, a thing that I really hate in those games.

But that's that; the game is fun, has interesting characters, and a decent story behind it. I'll probably play the second game one day (I already have it installed), and when I finish it, I'm gonna write about it here!

Disco Elysium:


I haven't done everything I wanted to in this game, because my PC is literally dying, and I can't play almost anything on it anymore. Still, I wanted to write about it cause I love this game. Another thing is that the date written above is the day I finished it, but I am writing this on 07/08.

Okay, now that I've stated some things, this game is one of my favorite games of all time. It's so unique that I don't think there's anything to compare it to, but I always tell my friends that it's like a tabletop RPG, but different in a way.

The gameplay is, again, like an RPG tabletop. You usually explore the map and talk to people, with choices to decide what you will say. Sometimes, those choices require a dice roll to determine if you fail or succeed. The dice number is influenced by your clothes and the stats you upgrade, just like any other RPG.

You start as a drunk man who has forgotten everything about everything. You literally begin in "The Void" and have to remember/choose who you are and where you belong. With time you remember that you are a cop who messed up everything on a case, but you can choose whether you want to continue "being a cop" or you can do anything else and just explore the city. You can choose between being a good or bad cop, feel sorry about what you've done, or follow the chaos and continue to mess up everything and so on. You have a whole city to explore, a bunch of people to talk to, and each one of them is fully voiced and has an interesting backstory and some quests they're involved in.

The game has a LOT of side quests, and they are HUGE and really fun. Solving the main case is just one of them, but you have a lot more things to do other than that. They aren't just optional, they can and will really affect how the game will be at the end.

And I have to say, every frame of the game is an incredible piece of art on its own, literally every frame could be a painting straight up from the renaissance. The soundtrack (even though I don't think it's 100% original for the game) fits perfectly in every moment, and the tracks are awesome even on their own. This all combined make such a perfect work of art I just can't describe, nor you can't see it (in a gameplay or something like that), you really have to experience it for yourself.

Well but I think that's it, the game can be a little expensive but i promise it is worth it

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk


Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is a mix from design, dance, culture and every way of expressing art humanity is capable of in a form of videogame and its SICK AS HELL!!

The game is like a puzzle where each piece was made by a different person, grown in a different place, that had a different story, different style, different life... but in the end they complement each other and form a beautiful painting where you can see a little but of everyone that contributed to it.

And well... I haven't talked about the game itself yet XD

You basically start as a robot in a gang called BRC (bomb rush crew) and your objective is skate a lot and do a lot of grafitti throughout the city in order to became the All City. And to do this you need to "battle" against the 5 other gangs that are scattered around the city.

But I don't think I can really express only in words, you need to at least see a gameplay of this game to really get how amazing it is to just ride your bike/skate/rollers(my favorite) and find a new place to tag...

Oh god and I compleatly forgot about THE SOUNDTRACK

IT IS JUST SO AMAZING I ADDED LITERALLY EVERY SONG THAT IS ON THAT GAME AND LISTEN TO IT CONSTANTLY ITS REALLY GREAT EVERY SONG WITHOUT EXCEPTION. They even had an artist I liked before playing the game, when I listened their song in the game I was just :0 !!

If you want to see the gameplay here's a clip in the first area:

5 Kudos


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pheirah's profile picture

You should create a group and pin your reviews so you don't have to delete them!

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but- I have to delete them? XD
I only had one, I pretend to just add them here and you can click on the start to go the place on the page that they are

by CaioEmPessoa; ; Report