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Category: Blogging

31/july/2023 !!

erm hello! ive nevr made a blog post so forgive me if this is rlly boring x_X

so today i woke up and my throat HURT it was not fun i still went to school tho cos i had a presentation in the first lessson. usually i wouldve just done it a different time but it was a group project

we had to do a presentation on life in the 60s (specifically movies and tv) and i felt ILL waiting for my time to speak i really hate speaking in front of the class, let alone when i ahve a cold. we did the presentation and everything was ok thankfully

in home ec (cooking) we made stir fry and it was SOOO GOOODDDDD! X3 i had that for lunch today and it beats a vegemite sandwich ANYDAY

im sitting in bed listenign to slipknot rn and i feel horrible T^T hopefully i can sleep this off cos i dont wanna b sick anymore :T

i hope that was interesting lolzĀ 

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