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Category: Books and Stories



So, since I've found this place has blog entries, I've decided this is where I'll write my original story WinterVerse. Well, not really original. Tis' but an au of the multiverse of sanses.

Anyways, in this entry I will sum it up so I can get a basic grasp on it (And for you to get a good grasp on it too).

Basic story:

Basically, a bunch of sans au's are trapped inside a winter cabin in the au of WinterTale, an au stuck in a deep winter with snow always on the ground. The sans au's stuck in the cabin? Dream, Swap, Ink, Cross, Fresh, Error, Nightmare (CANON), Dust, Killer, Horror, and many more to come.

the more and more they get into the story they end up adopting roles for themselves. but thats to develop more as I write more about the story.

I can't promise I'll update regularly since I have many other things to do, but I hope you'll stick along as I write more. 

2 Kudos


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