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Category: Life

How i grew my own apple tree!! 🍏🌳 (and how you also can)

Let me spare you from my intro.. 

Hi, and welcome to my blog! 

Today, ill be going trough step by step how i grew my own apple tree, so you can do the same! 


  • Manure
  • Water
  • Apple seeds (can be from store bought apple.) 
  • A window that gets a lot of sun (optional) 
  • Pots of multiple sizes
  • A LOT of patience and care!

DISCLAIMER! : This wont work in all climates. I recommend starting around spring, or summer. 


Step 0 : The seeds. 

Decide what type of apple you want to grow. I chose "Granny smith", so i picked some up from the store. 

Cut the apple up into pieces, keeping the middle part. Very carefully take the seeds out of its protective chambers. Now youve got your seeds! 

Step 1 : The sprouting. 

Now that youve got your seeds, grab a tissue or some toilet paper, and get it wet. Place the seeds inside, and fold a part of the tissue/toilet paper on it. 
Leave it in a sunny window for a few days. I recommend using all the big, healthy seeds you find, since not all will sprout/ survive! Dont get sad if not all of them sprout! 

Step 3 : The burial. 

Now that your seeds have sprouted, fill your smallest pot with some manure, but dont fill it to the top! With your fingers, create a hole for your sprouted seed. One pot = One seed! 

Place it in a way so the green little sprout is facing down, the brown seed part is facing up! Bury it, but not too deep! 

Step 4 : Water and sun

So now, carefully place your pot infront of a window. If your pot has holes for breathing, place something under it. Water it daily, at first only around 1/3 of a mug. As it grows, slowly give it more water! 

Something important is that not all your sprouts will survive. if it wont grow at all, dont bother with it anymore. 

Step 5 : Re-potting. 

If you were patient enough, and now your plant is too big for its pot, you need to re-home it. A good way to tell if its too small : grab the plant carefully, and take it out of its pot. if all the dirt comes with it, its too small! 

When re-potting, its the same as before, just bigger; Grab the bigger pot, place manure in it, create a hole to put the dirt from before and the plant with it in there. Water it more than usual right after, then dont water it for around 2-3 days. 

Step 6 : Final resting place

 If its been a few years, and your tree is a little too big for inside now, choose  place for it. Remember, once youve put it there, its gonna be almost impossible to move it from there! It will be the same as re-potting, but without having to put it in a pot or put manure first. 

Dig a hole, big enough for the plant to fit. If you want the best results, instead if the dirt you dug out, put some manure over it. 

Once its in its place, stil water it sometimes, but not too much since mother nature mostly does it for us. 

Have fun with your trees! Remember to care for them, and love them! 

4 Kudos


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