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Category: Blogging

Life Update: Friends (IRL edition) ; TW will be listed

Hey so it's been a month since i've been on here. I have so much to talk about! :P I guess I can start with talking about my friends, something easy before the heavier topics that I'll end up talking about soon. 

*here's your quick lil disclaimer for substance use n committing crimes ig*

School ended about 2 months ago now, but I already have to go back soon. It sucks that we only get a 2 month break honestly T^T.... During the time I was gone I changed a LOT as a person. I guess my last experience I've told you about was getting high by myself. (--> That time I got high by myself Xd) Well I haven't really touched that stuff since. Not really in a bad way but I haven't had an urge to for a while. (it's starting to come back tho lol.) There was one time I went on a bottle run with some friends, where I got drunk AND high on the same night. Was super fun honestly. We outran the cops n i got a little tipsy, took a hit off a bowl and my brain got REALLY woozy XD. In retrospect I shouldn't have done both on the same night but I'm a bit of an adventurer lolll. I keep this story to myself since I'm committing a literal crime but nobody gives a fuck on here so its a nice safe space XD. I remember being the "chef" for my friends, although I only baked tater tots and frozen pizza LMFAO. Trust me though if I was at my own place I would have whipped up the best meal ever!!

During summer I've mostly been staying at home. I did go on a trip to see family and that- that was mediocre honestly -_-. I've been hanging out with my BFF and some others but I've mostly been staying at home. I guess I get burnt out hanging with people easily, but then I always want to be invited to social events and like... i don't.. (grrr) (I think I get burnt out having to manage and make social events when all i want is to be INVITED to one lol) I've had some fallouts where people cancel last minute and its SUPER annoying but I can manage.

As of now? Well I went to the boardwalk, a rave, a local punk show, and got COVID because of it.... :") If I could link videos of the events I would but for now I'll link some images: 

me and Syris at the rave (he's such a cool producer)

(Me and Syris at the rave I went to. They are such a cool producer

(Me and 6arelyhuman. They are so sweet and rlly fun to be around. Sorta friends ig but more like mutuals.)

(This is from when I went to a local punk show. Literally hosted in someones backyard LOLL. Don't ask why the mirror is dirty probably from the 20 people who used it before I did. IDK WHY I LOOK SO SERIOUS LFJSFJS)

(I went to the boardwalk with my mom and it was so fun! I hope to bring some other friends sometime but it was rlly chill w jus me and my momma. Hated the couples kissing tho it made me like... "damn i wish i were here with my partner rn")

(Anyways we saw a couple of furries on the skyliner with us it was kinda funny ngl. They looked super cute though! There was a couple right behind us being really gross and talking about furry sex as a way to mock. Honestly made them look more stupid than the furries.)

Well, that's pretty much been PART of my life so far :D, but don't worry definitely a lot more stories to come. Honestly blogging about this has put into perspective just HOW MUCH things have changed for me since the last time I was truly active on here. Life just keeps getting better *shrug*

love u guys!!! this has been rlly cathartic to type this all out <3

xoxo, Felix

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