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Stuff I recommend to watch/play

Hello I want to recommend shows to y'all also so you can know me better my taste and shows also will be updated here and there 

1. Gargoyles: this show is pretty good and I'm really shocked that most people don't really talk about it in the same vein as most Disney shows Like the owl house, amphibia, DuckTales 2017, and any lore base Disney TV show I understand it was made in the 90s During The Disney Afternoon Block But this shit is still going on to this day like it's currently having a surgeon With the new action figures And, Comics (they also we releasing The old Marvel Comics) And they're going Remaster of the old Sega Genesis game by the same people who made the remasters for The Disney Afternoon game (By the way that game will come out around fall) It doesn't get talked about like I'm surprised that Cartoon Twitter users Aren't all over this show Like they only talk about it when they're bringing up deadly force And how dark it is which I can agree It is But the other episodes are on the same level as that but no one will watch the damn series act like they Actually Watched it If this show was released today and it doesn't suffer from new Disney show Syndrome Y'all would love to shit out of it 

2. Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated: simple yet effective In terms of Storytelling This Scooby-Doo TV show Is one of the many gems of the Scooby-Doo Franchise More leaning into storytelling and character-based interaction honestly I feel like most Scooby-Doo shows are missing more original characters that Aren't in for one episode And not a villain of the week that they had to unmask I also feel like some of the law is very untouched for example I wish they kind of went more into the other Mystery Incorporated people instead of just talking about Three of them like I like to see them go more in Def like with Benevolent Lodge of Mystery and the other one

3. The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Overrated but a good way 

4. Digimon: The games are kind of a mixed bag so you have to find that perfect one to actually sit down and play but At least the anime exist 

5. Skylanders: it's basically impossible to play the games (Without hacking or Pirating) because of figures nowadays you have to go searching for them in thrift stores and used video game stores just for them to have the most expensive Skylanders also the show is like a mixed bags among Skylander fans with some saying they hate it and other saying It's relatively solid And there's no in between 

6. captain laserhawk a blood dragon remix: what the

That's all I have for now and I hope y'all will stick around for the Edits

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