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so the gov is dealing with aliens lol

i know most of you have probably seen jokes about the gov and aliens, and i know it's not a super big deal, i guess? but i'm actually really worried about what this could mean, like, we already hate ourselves—will we even be able to have a calm outcome of this? are we going to keep selfsabotaging forever? it's all just so much to think about and as stupid as it may sound, i just hope that—if there're "aliens"—we don't start some galactic war like in those corny Sci-Fi movies,,, seriously, if someone from another galaxy came to ours and the gov's first instinct was to declare war, i'm just going to curl up in a ball and cry

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evelyn 🏳️‍⚧️

evelyn 🏳️‍⚧️'s profile picture

i hope so too :( there's a lot more important things to be focusing on but like, government officials sure do love fear mongering (they find a new group of people to hate so that way instead of trying to solve homelessness or healthcare we have to fight for basic rights) so i'm not sure
aliens are pretty cool though i guess LOL

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i hope we get invaded and put in fish tanks tbh i don't want to pay to live on this planet anymore loool people in office are so TIRING

by Bee; ; Report

Actual Acorn

Actual Acorn's profile picture

aliens are a government hoax to distract us from climate change

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people already don't care about climate change, so i doubt hearing about aliens is going to make that any worse than it already is

by Bee; ; Report

then maybe its to distract us about ukraine

by Actual Acorn; ; Report