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Category: Life

ireland trip

so ive been visiting ireland and ive been here like 48 hours and its been Terrible

first of all i had to fly from my place to meet up w my grandparwnts in new jersey and so my sister and i flew over at like 13:00 and got where we had to be at 14:00 and we had to wait until 23:15 until our flight snd we met w our grandparents an hr before 23:15

and then our flight kept getting delayed. it got delayed 7 hours total brah and IT WAS BY THE HOUR so you couldn’t even sleep because yk you thought you’d board soon so it went from 23:15 to 1:15 to like ummm 2:15 then 3:15 then 3:35 then 4:30 then 6:30 and we FINALLY boarded at 7 in the morning i was so exhausted and the flight was like 5 1/2 hrs and we got to ireland at around ummm i dont even know what time ireland time ngl i was too out of it but we went to dinner and then snoozed and i slept like a rock bc i was up for like over 30ish hours atp and half of it was waiting in a fucking airport

and yesterday was equally as awful we got a flat tire in a rlly rural area and luckily the house we stopped in front of was rlly nice and they let us use their bathroom LOL it was a lovely coupke but we got a flat tire at like 15:00 and NO ONE FREAKIN CAME FOR SEVEN HOURS. we waited until like 22:00 for someone to get us brah luckily my uncle came and brought us to dinner most places were closed but some lady at a bar gave us sandwiches she was super nice and then some tire guy FINALLY came at 22:00 and we could finally leave at 22:30 and we got to the hotel at like 23:45 and i was so tored this trip has been miserable so far

but on a better note irish tea is Really Good and their veggie soup is out of this world and ive been reading downloaded fanfics at unreal speeds bc i cant use data so i can only connect to wifi

1 Kudos


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