
Who am I?

Hello, I'm Zanden, or zandenninja. I write, edit, and post reviews on BitView about awful games on RetroStudio, which is a game on the platform ROBLOX.ROBLOX Logo


ROBLOX is a platform for creating and publishing games. I first played the game around July 2012 and officially joined the site in January of 2013. I was 3-4 years old, I honestly have no idea how I was playing the game back then. I don't really have good memory so I'm basing my facts off of old screenshots and videos I accidentally took when I was a kid, pressing the Print Screen and F12 key on my keyboard on accident. Anyways, I do have good memories of what I used to watch, which consisted of JJ5x5's "Gone Crazy" series, XiaoXiaoMan's "Random Insanity" and "Burnout Madness" series', and some other stick figure pivot stuff. I always wanted to do ROBLOX videos like that and be known, so I did. 

...10 years later.

I eventually learned VEGAS and so I now make videos in the style of XiaoXiaoMan's "Raging ROBLOX Reviewer." I even got the greenlight from him to do the show in the first place. so thanks, Xiao.

Anyways, the show is on BitView, so check it out whenever you can. The link is on my profile.

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