Haunted by Chuck Palahnuik - Green Room

compared to Foot Work and especially compared to Guts, Green Room was fine in terms of content. there was nothing particularly shocking or gross about it - there were a couple sentences about a boat but i wouldnt consider those anywhere near the same level as Guts. if anything, there were a good couple of sections that can be considered rather sad when you put more thought into them but theyre brushed over as the story moves along. 
it wasnt a bad story or anything, i imagine theres something you can get out of it and it ended how i expected it to though i guess it wasnt really like the story was trying to mislead anyone as to how it would it end. ill be honest, i understood the poem before it more but thats just my personal thoughts.
before each story is a chapter about what all the characters are going through, story wise, and i can tell the drama is going to pick up soon, im just not sure when. the characters have established they've all been lied to about where they are but i dont think they know the expent of it yet. cant wait to watch as it all gets worse lolol.

0 Kudos


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