I’ve been back for a while, this post is long overdue.

Africa was an absolutely amazing experience, and it’s changed my entire outlook on life. I went to Africa as a missionary for my church, with the goal of teaching the people about god, and giving them the knowledge to share the gospel with others in africa. These people did not know god, and they often followed other religions. Seeing the impact we had on these folks was absolutely wild. First of all, they were not judgmental at all, and were very welcoming. Hugs and kisses on the cheek were a regular thing, and they were very intrested in us, some of them having never seen a white man before. It was interesting to talk about our lives, and learn new things about each other. (Massive props to our translator btw.)  We also endulged in fellowship amongst ourselves, and it brought us closer to god too. Teaching these people about god was blessing to both them, and us. It was very eye opening to see how little they had, despite still being happy and full of love for the world. I already know these folks will carry the gospel with them, and be role models for the others, it was a blessing to watch them abandon idols and superstitions, and turn to the one true savior instead.

10/10, will be doing again.

6 Kudos


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ichika ★

ichika ★'s profile picture

i havent been this disgusted with a blog post in a LONG TIME.

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What’s disgusting about this?

by carson_the_arson; ; Report

i thought we left this shit behind in the 1900s bro.. preserving indigenous religion and culture is so important and missionarys that keep traveling to these places where they deliberately try to manipulate guillible people into YOUR “one and true savior” is so repulsive omfg. these people have their own history of beautiful culture aswell as rituals and religion and they deserve to keep at least that part of their ancestry and community after all these decades of colonization. and i am saying this as someone who is christian

by ichika ★; ; Report

You’re absolutely free to have your own philosophy about this, but in my mind, and looking at it the way that the bible says, it’s much more important to save as many of them as possible rather than to worry about culture and their religious beliefs. They were wonderful people, and it’s genuinely depressing the think about the fact that many of the people we couldn’t reach will end up in the arms of the devil rather than with god. When we visited, not only did we do our best not to influence their non-religious culture, but we actually learned a whole lot about they way they live, and they were very excited to share with us.

by carson_the_arson; ; Report


by ichika ★; ; Report


VKermodieV's profile picture

A place so full of mystery and adventure! Glad you had a fun and safe trip. :3

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