Oh yeah, aliens

The other day there was a congressional hearing regarding UAPs and I watched it live. I've only seen jokes about it and people mentioning it without having seen it. But I watched the full thing as it happened.

As much as I want to be hyped by someone under oath saying that UFOs and the nonhuman biological entities within them have been captured by the United States... I just don't believe that it's anything alien.

I believe that all this shit is just military weapons being tested. And the nonhuman entities are just test monkeys that are being thrown around to see if living things can survive the g-forces of this tech.

The entire hearing felt fake. But then AOC showed up and asked real questions and it helped solidify in my mind that this wasn't some elaborate troll and was an actual government event.

I hope this makes it easier to discuss UAPs though. To be shut down and threatened for speaking about what you've seen is unacceptable no matter what.

I should get more into following UFO sightings and such. I used to be obsessed as a kid, I'd terrify myself watching alien videos. I don't believe any of it, but it's still an interesting thing, y'know?

Now, I believe that aliens are real. All forms. There's 100% bacteria on other planets, there's 100% non-earth animals on other planets, and there's 100% non-human intelligent life on other planets.

Are they anywhere near us? Nope. Will we ever encounter them? Probably not. The universe is that huge. It's so huge that it's fucking stupid to think that we are alone. But it's also so huge that there's very little chance that we happened to exist anywhere near each other.

5 Kudos


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✮ Elena ✮

 ✮ Elena ✮ 's profile picture

I only want aliens if its like war of the worlds or the orville, otherwise, i dont want them

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pia's profile picture

I agree with you ab the aliens, I think most people are skeptical because we have a very humanized version of life outside our little planet, but there are bacterias and all that stuff

About the thing said in the USA congress, I think the news are using it just toconfuse people, "non human biological samples" can literally be anything

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