The Revolution Will Be Telivized....

The revolution will be classified - live on channel 7
Freedom of speech is the Grand Illusion
They keep us pacified - intimidated meditations - medication keeps us in utter confusion
Watching others get tortured for out own amusement
They allow blood platter across our television screens
Well titties get censored - They deem too taboo to be seen
Society is brainwashed - Why do you think there’s songs that teach you how to kill cops?
Brake the cycle - Surround yourself with barbed wire
Arm your family with assault rifles - They make them easy to get
They convince you that the government is coming to take your shit
“From My Cold Dead Hands” - I’ll smile when I shoot it out with the feds, y’all just BITCH!
The ones you support all in office are the ones They implant to gain control
Enslave you - copy your brain to a microchip they implant into your clone
They activate school shooters using super computers
Birds aren’t real - nothing but mother fucking spy drones
They orchestrate flash flag terror attacks - They now have the power to confiscate your rights
Leaving the lady of liberty tied up, ball gagged and butt fucked
They got you screaming ‘BUILD THE WALL!’ - without realizing it will only be used to encage you all
Neo-Nazis punching pundits - the president applauds them, how the fuck did that happen?
“These civilized people will eat each other”
All they want us to do is degrade and detest one another
They don’t want us fucking achieving unification and creating inspiration
They just want senseless division, and frustrations that eventually turns to suffocation
They want all civilization dwindling in dismay
Today is enough to drive a sane man insane

0 Kudos


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