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Category: Art and Photography

First time shooting 35mm film at night - Kodak Vision 3 500T

Well, the time finally came. 

Two weeks ago, finally after some time of shooting almost exclusively daylight photos, I came to a point where I wanted to try something new... night photography.  I decided to go with an obvious choice - the Cinestill 800T. That was the fastest color film I could find in my country that's still being produced. Cinestill 800T is also interesting for another reason... this isn't actually a photographic film, nor it's made by Cinestill.

It's actually officially licenced and repackaged Kodak Eastmancolor Vision 3 500T modified to be able to be developed with the same process as a regular photographic film. What a mouthful, huh?

Eastmancolor is the internal name used by Kodak for their color negative motion picture film stocks named after the co-founder of the company, George Eastman. They are intended to be developed in a process called ECN-2 (Eastman Color Negative 2), which results in lower amounts of grain and and a lower, more natural contrast. They also have a layer called remjet, which reduces halation (the bloom like effect around bright lights) and prevents the film from jamming inside a motion picture camera.

You might not know that Vision 3 500T is also sometimes used by hollywood filmmakers such as Quentin Tarantino, Christopher Nolan or Wes Anderson.

So TLDR; it's a movie film repackaged so you can use it inside your photographic camera

To start off my journey with this roll of film:

My first instinct was to do the thing everybody likes, sunsets!
Me and my trusty Nikkormat FT2, prepared to take some photos at dusk

Me and my trusty Nikkormat FT2, prepared to take some photos at dusk

So I loaded up my camera and went shooting. Took a few photos and moved on. One particular lesson I really learnt from this is to try getting a cable shutter. When my photos came today, they were okay but certain longer exposures really suffered from some shaking as I pressed the shutter button and turned out slightly blurry. Though I still think the results speak a lot. It turned out fairly well. I am glad I brought my tripod because shooting photos with such exposure times is impossible while handholding the camera.

In the span of the following two weeks I went near my local forest, shoot some photos at nighttime and in my village. I even shot a few photos at daytime but since the film is tungsten balanced, meaning it's meant to be used under low light conditions and tungsten light, the photos turned out quite blue. Generally, they turned out alright and I went experimenting and I got a stupid idea. I used the manual exposure setting and took a photo at pitch black lighting at midnight. The results were... surprisingly not half bad. Very grainy but from that kind of brightness, it's understandable.

Still, I'm rather happy with the results and I can share them with you right now

Dusk at the nearby village

Dusk 2

Surprisingly, very dark conditions


And so, my night photography trip turned out nicely. I am happy with the results and a fair bit surprised.

4 Kudos


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L3A3's profile picture

After I saw the photos you have been sending me I knew you had a real talent for making photos.
Those photos are really amazing,I didn't know about that Tarantino used Vision 3 500T.
It's a really cool thing you managed to explain really all of those informations so well Martin, I am not so much into photos, but you are really great on those :)

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Neiroe's profile picture

This was a very interesting read for someone like me who doesn't know much about photography. Nice pictures too! I hope you'll keep us posted as you keep going.

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Thank yoi :D

by CMDR_Martin; ; Report