The 'Sumi special' sandwich recipe

I just thought I'd 'show a little love'/ref and share a meal that's super easy to make 

You're gonna need salmon (Or tuna) pre-cooked in those little plastic packages, a slice of cheese, lettuce (Full leaf, not shredded), salt, pepper, mayonnaise, and BANANA PEPPERS!!!!

First you open the salmon pack and SQUEEZE OUT THE SALMON JUICE. SOGGY BREAD IS NOT THE WAY TO GO...

Then you pour the salmon into a bowl, mix in with salt, pepper, and mayo (Measurements are completely up to you! I usually just eyeball everything HAHA)

Then you take 2 slices of bread (Toasting the bread is optional) and put the salmon onto the bread (However you want. There's no right or wrong way to do this)

After that, you put lettuce on one side, and then banana peppers on the other. Then you place the cheese on the side with the banana peppers so they don't fall off.

Then you close the sandwich and enjoy!!

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Darkom's profile picture

I love love love tuna im 100% making this recipe. Thx for sharing!

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PoopLord69's profile picture

when i saw banana peppers i thought it was just bananas and u were gross

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Icycubed's profile picture

I haven't made it yet but it was delicious!/J

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by ★Sumi★ ♪Music autoplay♫; ; Report