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Category: Blogging

Finally some progress - blog #4


Its been some time since I've been here. Given the way the bird app has been going it's only natural that I come back lol.

Things have been alright for the most part, just very boring (I'm not okay with boring it makes me anxious.)

In a very strange place where I'm beginning to compartmentalize my time now that I'm more comfortable in my job and WOO WOO now medicating my ADD ^^ 

something I've been needing my whole life lol.

Excuse my formatting, idc actually lol its freeing to be able to do this how I feel. My panic attacks have gone away for the most part, now its just the usual intrusive thoughts about death. Now comes the journey of self improvement since the meds make me forget to eat. 

I got a tooth that broke in half in my mouth by my molars so thats cool, at least this time it happened right when I was actually seeing more than two digits in my bank acc so I can think abt having it fixed. (another thing I've been putting off cos I was broke-broke.)

Its true what they say about highs and lows when it comes to healing, a part of me is sad I fell so hard but at the same time at least I'm now seeing the light at the end. 

Doesn't mean I'm cured, or will feel really good, but at least I'll feel centered. More focused on doing more than work and sleep. I guess this is what being an adult is. Tough.

(will upload more pics soon :3) 

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