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Category: Blogging

gender envy

hi does anybody else get confused by gender envy? does anybody else even experience gender envy? its hard to explain, but i'm going to list a bunch of people that give me gender envy fictional and irl. This list is in no specific order.

-Frank Iero (my chemical romance)

-Brodie Bruce (mallrats)

-Randy Meeks (scream)

-Hiro Hamada (big hero 6)

-Randall Graves (clerks) 

-Marshall Lee (adventure time)

-Link (the legend of zelda)

-Gabe Saporta (cobra starship)

-Colin Gray (jennifer's body)

-Ryan Ross (panic at the disco)

-Adam Lazzara (taking back sunday)

-Greg Serrano (crazy ex girlfriend)

ok thats all i can think of right now.. do u relate plz someone relate to this i dont want to look dumb

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Eddy's profile picture

MHMM! I get gender envy from a lot of characters one I get massive major gender envy from is Chesed but specifically him in library of ruina

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but do u think its weird to get gender envy from real people? like i mean no harm but im worried it may come off as weird

by starlesscity; ; Report

idk if this'll reply to the right comment lol but i dont think its weird to get gender envy from real people at all! it's just wanting to be perceived the way someone else is:) you're just seeing traits someone has that you want in regards to your gender identity. there's nothing weird about that, in fact i think its very very normal and even to be expected:)

by gh0st_x; ; Report

thank u for that im always worried about that

by starlesscity; ; Report