Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk - Foot Work

turns out i was pretty off when i estimated what my schedule would be like so im not going thru this book a chapter a day orz
either way im still getting thru it, slowly but surely
just read the next short story in it. it didnt have as much of a shock value element as Guts, the previous story, did but it wasnt that bad. if u fucking hate feet then this story def isnt gonna b ur thing but im meh abt em so i thought it was fine. no major notes tho. i thought the premise was interesting and as someone who went thru a little crystals and herbs phase a few years ago i almost wanna see if theres any truth to the things described in it - but just the crystals and herbs and incense parts, id rather die than do what Lentils had to do near the end lolol, especially with how it ended for them. 
i also rlly liked the repetition of "dont laugh, but" throughout the story. i love repetition as a creative element idk why

0 Kudos


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