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Category: Blogging

another gardening update

you know. i was kind of not expecting to accidentally become A gardening guy. but here we are again. i have never successfully kept plants alive before so its all very exciting to me, i have overcomed my plant killing ways. reformed plant serial killer..... Anyway

got two new big planters as well as a medium sized one, so i have planted some zinnia and marigold seeds! here are the planters. nothing yet but will likely take a few days to see any sprouts :]

for the medium planter, i moved my microgreens into it (yes with the cardboard cup. apparently they can grow through it. yippee). they're doing really well!! i eventually wanna move the other two sprouts into their own planters as well but i do not have planters for them yet. and they likely are okay staying in their cardboard cups for a little longer.

closer look at the sprouts! the chamomile are very happy and the cosmo has grown A Ton. i am very cheesed with them

those are all the "exciting" (it's exciting to me 😭) plant updates. my other three plants are all mostly happy. except for the elephant ear... it was growing a new leaf but part of that is turning yellow. i might be overwatering it, so i'll try and let it go a few days with less water and see if that helps >_< last time a leaf went yellow it was because it was getting too much sun so i know it's not that this time.

i've been having a time lately but i think im feeling a little better today. i sat down and journaled to try and pinpoint what was bothering me the most and that helped a bit. i'm going to see what i can accomplish today and try n not be too hard on myself 🙏 see ya soon

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duckyopteryx's profile picture

woaw this is Awesome!! i had some lavender seeds given to me before But, i never got the things to grow them >_< taking care of something like plants seems it woud b theraputic ina way Though.. !

i am excited to see the marigolds...i Love those very much :0]

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