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Category: Life

Journal Entry #57: 07/24/23 - What happened?


Alright, so I kinda disappeared for two weeks? I don't know exactly since I didn't date my last post whoops.

So, essentially, I've been sick. I don't know what I've been sick with though. I've suffered from fatigue, a brief fever, headaches, etc. But it has never felt like the flu or a cold or anything. I've been feeling better; the fatigue is gone, the headaches have also mostly gone away, and I generally have more energy. Maybe I had a parasite or something?

Okay, recap time! So, the family reunion was good, but it was so loud! It was nice to reconnect with my cousins and meet people that I had only seen as a baby. However, things were kinda slow. Food was supposed to be served at three, but it didn't arrive until five. We all had to just sit there and try our best not to starve lol. We did some line dances after dinner, which many of my relatives were surprised I joined in on. My last comment on this party is that I didn't enjoy staying in one place for about seven-ish hours. I hate staying in one place. There wasn't any quiet area since for whatever reason, many parents treated the reunion as some type of daycare and let their children run wild. On another note, considering my sickness began last Monday, there's a chance it came from the catfish I ate, or simply the sheer amount of people I was around.

A couple days ago I attended the freshman send-off party for my university. It was loud, crowded, and filled with more alums than incoming freshmen. I embarrassed myself during introductions, but I need to quit worrying about small mistakes. The hosts' house was beautiful, and made me really wish I had a house that outlooked our city's river! I know where some of my classmates are living, and what they're majoring in. I'm still somewhat nervous about college.

Everything I doing right now is either to prepare for college or the beach. For the beach, I just want to look nice. I'm going to shave and get rid of my old and sloppy pedicure. I also bought a cute swimsuit! One problem though: I'm on my period right now, and I can't accurately predict if I'll be able to wear my swimsuit at the beach. It would be a shame though since I bought it specifically for this trip, and there won't be much time left for me to wear it any other time this summer. Later today I'll be ordering some stuff for college including my new laptop, backpack, planner, and some slippers. I can't wait for those things to arrive!

I hope to do a dorm tour blog post when I move into my dorm in August.

See ya,

AstraGenesis ┈━═


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