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Category: Music

new cassettes

i got 3 today...

1. louder than love // soundgarden

2. sister // sonic youth

3. С крыш наших домов // molchat doma

coooool lyrics:

"hands all over the coastal waters
the crew men thank her
then lay down their oily blanket
hands all over the inland forest
in a striking motion trees fall down like dying soldiers"

hands all over - soundgarden

"your spirit is time reversed to your body
stereographic mix up, field on field
it started growing up the day your body dies
only apparently, real to irreal"

stereo sanctity - sonic youth

"Железные пальцы моей души, впиваются в сердце, я так решил

И разольется по темной реке белое солнце не тебе и не мне"


"the iron fingers of my soul dig into the heart, i've decided so

and the white sun will spill over the dark river,

not for you and me"

Технология - molchat doma

4 Kudos


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Fawkes's profile picture

Molchat Doma is the single largest source of any passing thought about wishing to understand russian.

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molchat doma caused me to download duolingo for two weeks in attempts to learn russian. and i gave up.

by BecuzCody; ; Report


iason's profile picture

i never did finish the sonic youth discography.....

how's that cassette now a month later?

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sonic youth the GOAT. which album was your favorite from what you’ve heard?
tape is already well loved. i bring it with me anywhere i bring my walkman.

by BecuzCody; ; Report

it has been a few years, so i wouldn't remember haha.

very cool, glad to see another walkman aficionado out there.

by iason; ; Report

saroyan °

saroyan °'s profile picture

GREAT POST!!! congratulations on the new cassettes! :D


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