new catz!!

hiii guyyssss... ^^"

sorry i've been dead for the past few days, i haven't had much time to come on here, what with spending time with my partner irl and on minecraft...

but since i'm moving, i'm getting new cat(s?)!! :3 i'm so excited

because my family is splitting into two different apartments (me, my mom, and my sibling in one, and my dad in another so he can work better and get more exercise from walking to and from both apartments) my dad is gonna be taking our cat, milo! :(( he needs him more for emotional support and i can still see him if i go over there.. but it's still sad :/ but since my cat is gonna be with him, we can get a new cat!! maybe two?!?!?

the main reason we haven't gotten a cat since my other one passed (poor oliver...) is because milo doesn't like other animals and he barely tolerated oliver while he was here. so we've had to wait... and now since we're gonna have two apartments, it's the perfect opportunity to get one! 

we have two potential cats that we might get (one is more likely than the other atm). at first we wanted a kitten (mostly my mom), but the apartments we're moving into says our pets have to be 9 months or older, so we were gonna put off getting one for a while. but then, a cat came in at my mom's work (she works at a vet clinic), a tiny 2 month old barn kitten! he was only 1 lb, which if you know anything about cats you know that is absolutely TINY for a 2 month old kitten!! his back legs were all wonky and growing wrong, he was walking on them weird which caused abscesses to start growing. he also had parasites and an infectious disease. the people who brought him in named him flip flop because of his legs!! can you imagine.. but we call him wembley (like from fraggle rock!), and if we're able to get him, that's going to be his name. wembley is the one we're most likely to keep if he survives his treatment (which its looking like he will! but we might have to amputate his back legs and maybe tail..), and my mom is going to call management for our apartment and plead disability as why we should be able to keep this kitten even though he's only two months. if they say no, however, she said that people would be willing to foster him until he's old enough to come live with us.

the other cat we might get is dumpster! at least, that's his clinic name. we hope that if we can get him, his name will be nelson. my mom's coworkers want him to be a clinic cat though, but dr. k (the owner of the clinic) really does NOT want him to be a clinic cat, and knows that we want to adopt him. i think it's still really likely that we can keep him, cause he's 7 months old and really sweet, and we can just lie and say he's 9 months. he doesn't have any problems, other than having to be neutered, which hopefully will help him calm down (he's a little bitey and jumpy). his name is dumpster because he was found jumping out of a dumpster while my mom's coworker was out on vacay, and he followed her into her hotel room!!

i really hope we can get both of them, because nelson seems like a character and wembley is so cute!! the more he recovers, the more of his personality we're seeing. he really likes to play with my hands though, and doesn't like playing with anything else! he's so sleepy all the time, too. he's sitting in my lap rn trying not to fall asleep! (we kept him for the weekend to see if he would improve and he really has!)

anyway, i have to go now, i think this is long enough lol

here's some pictures of them before i go though!



over and out >:3

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