Aitsuu_'s profile picture

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Category: Life

Abt Me!!

Hey hey! I'm CJ/Jaden but I go by a bunch of names lol feel free to refer to me by my username too btw

I'm making this blog to let ppl know a bit more abt me than what's already on my profile before they decide to follow me acc.

- I'm a minor around 14-16 so if ur uncomfy interacting with people my age then I'm letting you know now.

- I am aroace and alexigender. I use He/she + neos like ghost/ghosts and pup/pups along with some more that u can find on my prns page in the links section of my profile.

- I am a fictionkin of Aira Shiratori (synpath) and Rinne Amagi (synpath + CLink) from Ensemble Stars, I am okay with doubles but if u aren't then that's okay!! Here is a carrd explaining what that is if u are unsure of what that term means! - Fictionkin Carrd (

- I enjoy creating stuff and have accounts on AO3, Tiktok and Twitter (very rt heavy) which I won't give out here but feel free to ask for them in my IMs if we're friends!

- I tend to use an accent when typing kind of like this "Bro yer keepin me on the edge of ma seat, 'm so curious rn..." with the reason being that it's a little similar to the way I talk irl and I often get the urge to type the way that I speak lol.

- I swear a bunch but try not to bc I know that some ppl are uncomfortable with it so if we're already friends and don't like it then don't be afraid to tell me and I'll do my best to not do it around u.

I'm not sure what else to add to this rn so I'll probably update this at a later date when I think of some other stuff to add to it.

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