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Category: Blogging

Blog #4

Hi!! It's been a minute so quick run down on what i've been doing

-Being gay 

-Driving around 

-Caring for my family 

-Trying to not lose my mind 

-Distancing myself from everyone 

Ok! So now for the more indepth run down of this past month? or something like that.

Being gay. Ok that's basically self explanatory but let's jump in. I have never been in a real relationship it's probably mostly my fault but the few i've had apparently weren't real. Like it was very one sided. As in I thought we were together but I guess we weren't actually. They've either ghosted me or actually turned out to be awful. I know I have feelings for people I know how to distinguish that and all so lets jump into my love life. Recently, well i've gotten over, my feelings for my Fae friend. She got a boyfriend and well I know she likes to play with peoples feelings so that was an obvious no go. I had a ghoul friend who well lets say I don't think I was their type. Recently I think i've taken a liking to my moth friend. Which I know I might have a chance with I also know there's no way she'd even think of me that way. She's got her own things going on so it's not really an option and I have my own. I think if we make it far enough and have stable lives if she's not taken and I haven't shoo'd away all my feelings I think I might shoot my shot. Maybe once I get a good job I'll ask her out officially. We did go watch a movie together once and it was just us and it felt like a stereotypical date but we didn't label it that so. I'm probably over thinking it. 

GOD HAVE I BEEN DRIVING! Since i've got my permit i've had to take my nana to her appointments and my sisters starting school up and I'll have to drive her aswell. Unfortunately that means fixing my sleep schedule. 

Trying not to lose my mind and distancing myself from everyone also goes hand in hand. In a previous blog I mentioned my friend Siren I think thats how I refered to them. Anyways he's recently been getting more on my nerves so i've kinda pulled away from that entire group. My friend, a raccon, also made a nea dizcord server of just his group of people including me so i've been taking to them more. However most these people are across the world from me so thats a bit of an issue.

Anyways I'm a tired dog and I just watched barbie. I was not ready for the emotional hit that was but that's fine. I totally didnt tear up at a certain part. 

When i'm on my computer i'll fix this post to match the other ones but for now howl to the moon you fools!

-Teething Wolf

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