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Category: Life

i had an oc named kyle

when i was like 9 i would play this game with my friends at summer camp. we called it "dungeons and dragons". i have no idea who came up with it, but it wasn't me. the gameplay is kind of like dungeons and dragons (shocking) but stripped of any sort of system that randomizes the experience and any system to keep track of your character's statistics and items. basically, we were just roleplaying.

my character was a red humanoid "drake"* named kyle.

ain't he a cutie

(i drew him as a stickman because i was only super comfortable drawing stickmen at the time)

anyways, i used this guy throughout most of my "d&d" sessions with my friends, and he became pretty powerful over time. he mastered the powers of ice and fire (in that order), adopted a "shadow cat" which he named ringo* and a floating jellyfish which he named squishy, and got a brace put on his wing so he could fly (because his wings don't work without it).

throughout middle school this guy was my sona. i would draw doodles of him berating my older drawings that i didn't like anymore with snappy zingers.

here he is, introducing a new section of my sketchbook after a decidedly "cringe" earlier period:

much less cringy. thanks, kyle.

after retiring him from being my sona (and retiring from using a sona altogether), i began thinking about putting kyle in some kind of work of fiction, and have had some ideas for plotlines with him as the star, but nothing came of it and i gave up that idea years ago.

goodbye, kyle. i don't like you, but i used to. ♡

*i specified he was a drake. i think it just sounded cooler. i know i had some kind of distinction in my head between drakes and dragons, maybe it was that drakes were smaller/less powerful than dragons, but i couldn't say for sure.

*i have no idea where this name came from. my best guess is that it's from japanese 林檎, but i feel like i might have named him before i became a poser-weeb.

UPDATE 12/2/2023: i stole the cat's name from eddsworld!!! edd's cat is named ringo and he has black fur! i stole it. unbelievable. well, mystery solved, i guess.

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bladesdashboard's profile picture

Hes so kyle i love him

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