kinda a vent abt life

omg i miss my mom bro. She's in florida and i have to live w my dad. no my parents aren't divorced. my mom's on probation in florida but we moved to sc, she come up in 2 weeks but that's tooo long. living w my dad and 4 siblings suck ass. She has my sister and youngest brother. but she only has to watch him while mom does community service and goes to work. I have to watch kids till dad gats home & clean, then he gets home and i have to clean more then be expected to sleep all night and not stay up? I don't get me time tf do you think ima do? not get me time? I'm already tired all the time so it doesn't matter. + i start a new school in a new state. It's just so uhhhh. Like wtf man, I already live in buttfuck nowhere where ik nobody but now you're making me go to school with all the rednecks? like cmon man. & the school is nigh/middle school combined cause of how small the fucking town is. there's probably like only around 3-400 kids. On the plus i get to go w my sister. but there's my asshole cousin. like we have out good times but over text i js wanna punch this kid so hard. think "theboyz fortnite L women andrew tate" type kid. Like it is the worst. But going as a openly trans & queer teen is scary af. especially w all the laws they're passing rn. like i've already met some people online but they're hours away. It's js so stressful i need to go some some weed.

2 Kudos


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