Crimson's profile picture

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Category: Life

a vent, sorta? if you squint? doesn't really matter anyway

so every year around the start of the school year i go thru my closet before getting school clothes and i take out all the stuff i dont/cant wear anymore nd i donate it to make way for the school clothes. seems easy right? spoiler alert: it is NOT and not for the reason you'd think. every time i throw something in the donate pile i feel like the people at the goodwill r gonna think im weird for what i donate. its stupid and i dont know why i feel that way bc they probably don't actually care... BUT LIKE WHAT IF THEY DO CARE??? or even worse... WHAT IF THE STAFF RECOGNIZE SOME OF THE CLOTHES FROM BACK WHEN I BOUGHT THEM FROM THAT SAME GOODWILL??? again, they probably don't notice(its been like forever since i bought them) or don't care(its like, the only place to donate clothes nearby so this probably happens sometimes) but i still feel gross for it for some reason. i know nobody really cares but i just wanna type something up

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