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Category: Games

Minecraft build - It's minecrafting time

Here's a blog where I showcase and ramble about my minecraft survival build, this was done in a whitelist server. This is the first time I've made something large scale like this on survival! In before I just used to make underground bases with the outside building being just a small house with a hidden button inside of it opening up to the secret base.

The build was a bit inspired by my dragon samurai OC I use as my persona and whatever were those Omens from Samurai Jack (I love them so much!)

I wanted some ghostly lookin' temple. And i probably wanted to make a cemetery in this area, but haven't got to that part. Even though I have done a shit ton on this build, I still want to add more to it like a torii gate that has the nether portal inside of it, and I need a lighthouse.

Fun fact I had to make building plans and "sketches" (I dunno how to call the term for a building that is just a test build) on creative mode to figure out how I will make this whole build, then screenshot it and copy it onto a survival world.

I had to terraform a shit ton on this build! I dug out quite a bunch of grass and flatted out the ground, then had to place in warped forest nether blocks, made my own cliff nearby, and other unmentioned terraforming shinanigans, I also had to tidy up the nearby beach. I planted a crap ton of bamboo around here. And let's talk about the building itself, it's built with blocks that had teal colors or dark colors, the coolest block being the warped forest wood logs. Most pain in the ass was getting those blocks from underwater temples for my roof and just getting lamps from there as well.

The temple inside with a aquarium floor. I have no fucking clue how to furnish this area tbh, so there's just candles and lamps atm here.

there's the cool ceiling covered in glass and all sorts of teal and black bricks so you can look into the sky and know the time.

There's a deeper undeground area within this building. (shit ton of digging, but thanks to the new update you can dig deep faster if you have moss and a hoe) I love the flooring with the crystals and the logs placed in a nice braid lookin' pattern. There's some cool areas to check out here!

The enchantment area.

This is where I flex by saying  "You egg?" area.

The a map area for coordinates of specific helpful locations, and just a view of the area around the temple.

the corners are just decorated like this


Here's what it opens. It's another area that goes deeper underground.

The coridor when you drop deep down there.

Through here you can go into my bedroom (insert "that sounded weird") . It's all fancy with crystal ceiling and just the meeting/writing table being there lmao

And here's my bed, say hi to Little Peep and Little Squeak, they just friendly pet foxes. I just like waking up with them sniffing me on my face with their shnozes.

OK on to the next door in the corridor - the kitchen

next to the kitchen there's a room with a smithing area and brewing area.

there's also not so very important area in the corridor with villagers, and other emerald farming nonsence

There's a secret vault I have hidden somewhere.

Here's some more pics from the build I wont comment. Only thing I'll say there's a beekeeping building and a villager trading area.

If I done anything different with my build it would be to build on a mountain and make it look like the drawing I did here.

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cyber_skylines's profile picture

that looks badass!! i love the color palette you used for your drawing

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Thanks! White n teals are my fav, tho I also used some blues on it

by Tatsu0ni; ; Report