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Category: Life

☆「Stop treating hippie like its only for aesthetics. Its not.」☆

Okay so this is gonna be kinda a long ramble/rant so buckle up. A girl (who i dont like at all anyway) was being completely disrespectful to “the thieving flower people” her name for hippies making it out to be the complete opposite of what it ACTUALLY means and i want to try and explain more of what it is and means to anyone else who may be confused or think in the same way she does. (Note that not all countries are the same so what i say here may be a little different than what someone from a different country would say) 

The true "hippie" lifestyle is often misrepresented and misunderstood by the mainstream media and popular culture. It was a cultural and social movement that emerged in the 1960s, characterized by a rejection of mainstream values, consumerism, and war. Here, I will try to explain the true aspects of the hippie lifestyle, separating it from the exaggerated and simplified aesthetic people often associate it with.

Countercultural values: Hippies rejected societal norms and advocated for peace, love, and happiness. They believed in the power of love and communal living as a way to create a more harmonious and inclusive society.

Anti-establishment sentiment: Hippies protested against the Vietnam War and other conflicts, advocating for non-violence and peace. They questioned authority, hierarchies, and traditional power structures, seeking a more egalitarian and participatory society.

Environmentalism: Hippies embraced environmental consciousness and sustainable living, recognizing the importance of protecting the planet. They advocated for organic farming, recycling, and renewable energy sources, often living in communes as a means to practice these values collectively.

Free expression and creativity: The hippie movement celebrated artistic expression, encouraging individuality and personal freedom. They expressed themselves through art, music, literature, and fashion, often reflecting a bohemian and eclectic style.

Spirituality and alternative lifestyles: Many hippies explored alternative forms of spirituality, such as Eastern philosophies, indigenous wisdom, or transcendental meditation. They sought spiritual enlightenment and embraced holistic approaches to health and well-being, including vegetarianism and natural remedies.

The aesthetic people often associate with hippies tends to focus on the outward appearance and stereotypes, such as tie-dye clothing, beaded accessories, and long hair. While some hippies did embrace these elements, it is important to recognize that the movement was deeper and more nuanced than just its visual representation.

All in all, the true hippie lifestyle was an expression of countercultural values, promoting peace, love, and social change. It encompassed a range of beliefs and practices that aimed to transform both individuals and society, challenging the status quo and striving for a more compassionate and sustainable world.

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