Story dump

I always wanted to write a story. But i simply cant, so i decided to dump some of the main ideas of my imaginary story that i will probably never write nor tell anyone. Its really bad explain because its just a dump and i havent even organized it before writing it so dont expect much of me.

Anyways, it is about a girl who i havent decided a name yet (i literally changed it every 2 days ) so i will call her Zizi for now

Well, Zizi had been basically a crowd pleaser her whole life. Mostly because she was born with non even half of her body, having to be mostly another charge for her family. She always tried to be perfect daughter, never achive it. Maybe because she didnt tried hard enough, or because she was too idiot to realice she didnt have to be a perfect daughter. The fact is, that then comes another girl that guess what ? Doesnt have a name either, so i will call her Navik. The point is that Navik and Zizi become friend, later on even more ( go lesbians ! Hajdjs ) anyways. Navik slowly makes Zizi a little more free, less attached to the idea of being a perfect child. They fall in love, blah, blah blah. Then, Zizi finally lives, without the worry of habing to be perfect. But then her brother is born, which is adored by literally anything. Zizi never hated him, but envy him. So she becomes the perfect daughter again..Navik tries to make her realize again, that she doesnt need to be perfect. But Zizi is more than focused on the goal of becoming a fighter leader, since his father used to be one. In Zizi’s little head, that makes her think that then her mother will finally see her as a worthy daughter, a perfect child. And it somehow does. But then civil wars occur. Navik, again, tries to make Zizi back off and leave the charge, since she doesn't want Zizi to get in a troublesome war. She doesnt hear her, so she goes to the war, being again, decided to win it to make her family proud. To make it short, she didnt win. She lost. And Navik died on the war. Zizi blames her self nonstop, becoming isolated of the word. She leaves her family, the little friends she had and divagates for years (to is is a fantasy story btw, so of course, as any cringy story, she can live way more longer than average human)  

Decates passed and she now works as a mercenary in a post war nacion where more civil wars are happening. She is somehow kidnapped and recruited (more like forced) to join a special team to stop the new president, that will literally fucking up all the city because he is a dictator. With her comrades and a pretty handsome guy ( that later turns out was a friend of Zizi and Navik HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO ) she plans to like kill or defeat the dictator that also is a person that Zizi knew years ago ! Guess what ? He was the little soldier thay killed Navik years ago. Now became a dictator. They fought, zizi and the handsome guy fall slowly in love but Zizi doesnt want to be with him because she still feels guilty over Navik death, etc blah blha blah. 

So yeah, thats the main idea thats been on my mind for over 4 years already (take in mind im a minor with less than 16) so imagine how fuck up my mind was when i started developing this story haha !

Sorry for the horrendous bad grammar, as i told. This is a dump, not even a draft of the main idea of the story. I literally just wrote what i remember and came out to my mind. Also, please forgive how i conjugated somethings. English is not my first language , i made this at fucking 2am and half of my braincells are dead.

Also, if you somehow read all this..number one

WHY ?! 

Number two : if you understood this somehow and like the idea you are free to tell me and give me any suggestions, even though im probably never going to write this ok any plataform as a proper story. 

Byee !!

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