Billy Loomis's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

DNI Hot Take IG

First of all I wanna say I completely understand why people are putting up DNIs n all that and I understand their purpose, I just feel like the way ppl do it on this site is kinda??? idfk, not smart.

if you put it in ur about me i 100% understand that, as people will be able to see it first and foremost I suppose, but even then it's iffy, because most people who respond to blog posts here wont read your profile before they comment on a post, lets be honest. and if you do make a blog post DNI most people ive seen don't even pin it to the top of their posts so it gets drowned out by others.

I also wanna say I completely get DNIs again, but I feel like, (as a minority of multiple categories) putting things like "DNI - Transphobes, Homophobes, Racists, Terfs, etc" puts a rather large target on your back, no? Like to no fault of your own, but because of the fact that these bigots often don't care about respecting minorites such as those listed, why would they care if you told them to stop? The whole problem our communities have is that bigots don't care about us and won't stop even if we act like completely regular people.

I'd like to hear any other opinions on this topic, bc I am curious about the thought process behind some of it and maybe hear others opinions, but idk. I'm not judging anyone with a DNI, as I get that it can make you feel more comfortable and safer (even if personally I feel keeping up a DNI is/was too stressful for me), I'd just like to hear what others think tbh n this topic has been on my mind

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doomoid's profile picture

i agree, i feel like most people dont do dnis (sometimes even trigger lists) as a necessity, but because everyone else is doing it

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₊‧°𐐪Sunny𐑂°‧₊'s profile picture

yeah no i agree i feel like people who list the 'basics' with dnis its a little redundant/these types of people wouldnt respect peoples dnis in the first place...

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