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don't interact if you don't know what is a joke pls..

Ex: Bro go kys/j / "AAAAH No you did something rude ........"

I always use tonetags for everything. If you don't know what is a tonetag:

Tonetags is something for say what the meaning of what ur saying

ex: I just died/j - j=joking

don't interact if you are racist..

"Ahh but i won't say something about u"

Yeah ik. But being racist is being something bad or meaning xenophobia, that is a CRIME.

"But i am only a minor, how i will-"

STFU. I know that ur a minor. But you're on internet. Internet can have more consequences in crimes than in real life.

Don't responding me/ignoring me.

Ex: HIHI!!!! HRU???? (6 hours/days wihount responding me)

I feel very unconfortable or sad when someone just ignore or don't respond me..

"What a crybaby lol"

Ik. But i think you would like someoneignoring you days or years? Wihount saying a A for u? I think.

I don't wan't that someone just ignore me. I feel like someone just forgot me.

"Nah nobody forget u"

I know. But it's easy to forget someone.

Thats my interactions rules!!! x3

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