Boys don’t cry.

So in this society, boys are apparently emotionless, strong, and all they do is harras women. “All men are the same”. 

In my point of view, boys don’t get nearly as much help in terms of mental health, as girls do. Don’t get me wrong, im not saying that ALL girls get all the help they need. And i am not saying that NO boys get help whatsoever. 

According to research, women are three times more likely to be dealing with common mental health issues than men, and men tend to deal with their mental health on thier own, shutting out their feelings. 

WASHINGTON—When it comes to mental illness, the sexes are different: Women are more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety or depression, while men tend toward substance abuse or antisocial disorders, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association.

When we might see drunk men walking on the street, we might think of them as, weak, dangerous, disgusting. Women think drunk men are unattractive. But have you ever wondered, what has happened to a man to make him start drinking like that? Individuals of both sex, with lots of stress, anxiety and depression, often start drinking their worries away. 

Men are more likely to binge drink than women. Approximately 21% of men report binge drinking, compared with 13% of women. Among men who binge drink, 25% do so at least five times a month, on average, and 25% consume at least nine drinks during a binge drinking occasion.

As we can see, men are more likely to binge drink, and we can see how it all connects now. 

In society, if a man is abused, nobody does much about it, compared to women. If a woman is abused by a man, the man will be sent to prison. However it is not the same for some men. 

When a girl cries, there are two scenarios that can happen. One, which is the most common one, she gets comforted. Two, she is called a crybaby and called overreactive. When a boy cries, there is one, common scenario. They get called weak. “Men are meant to be strong all the time” “Boys don’t cry”. 

In my opinion, when boys or men cry, they are the strongest they can be. Crying as a boy or man in this society and these times, is probably the hardest thing you can do. I think women should really change their point of view, and i think males should start seeking for attention considering their mental health it they’re struggling. If you’re a male reading this, it is okay to cry, and it’s more than okay to seek for help. 

You are not alone.

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