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Category: Automotive

my dreams!!!

this is literally just a blog with all my dreams so have fun


so i lived by a dumpster up a hill from my nanas, cause i was supposed to go to my dads house but i decided not to and was too lazy to walk to my nanas and already had all my stuff so i just lived there. (its like 15ft from her apartment). So i was bored and my nana, (shes an agoraphobic but like hardcore, hasnt left the house in 10+ years), had been complaining about a stalker sitting in his car at the end of her walkway. So i decided to check that out! So the dumpsters are closer to her back porch so i walked over to the front of the fourplux and noticed there the car was, and anoother car on the other side of the street thats trying to stalk her except theres a car in her way and upon further inspection, (looking in the car window and pressing my face against it), shes asleep. So she wasnt a very good stalker but thats ok. So i go to the stalker's car and make sure not to go to the side hes on so that way he cant hurt me duh, and i bang on his window with a very angry face and then run to my nanas house. and so i come in and shes sitting oon the couch and shes like "Is it a routine to come in ever day at 3 now?" and im like "no, im just bored" and then for once the stalker comes out of his car and its that jake guy from brooklyn nine nine and like its not actually him it just looks exactly like him. So in the dream theres a big window by her door, and the bottem two panels of her door is a window, and theres one of those tall rectangle windows to the left and right of her door, and none of them have blinds. but in real life her blinds are ALWAYS shut. and so i start to open the door so i can get a better look at him and my nanas like "NO! USE THE PEEPHOLE" and im like "alright alright" and look through even though theres a billion windows and im like "huh, that looks like peralta from brooklyn nine nine" and so my nana gets in the fetal position on the floor to hide even though theres a widnwo in the bottom of the door and he starts pushing at the bottom of the door so he can put his hand in and write things on her door rim thingy, so she carreses his hand, takes the pencil, snaps it, and throws it outside so he has to get it. and while hes getting it i shut the door and add a lock chain at the top so he cant do that anymore. But then he puts his hands under the door and just keeps wiggling his fingers so we push them out repeatedly. And then we get up and he keeps unlocking the door and i keep relocking it and me and my nana are talking and im like "maybe we should call mom" "moms at work." "maybe the babies are outside?" "the babies are at school" "maybe we should call the cops" "IM AGORAPHOBIC. NO" and so im like "damn okay" and i stick another lock on the door and shes like "what do we do!!!!" so im like "hide in my bedroom" which is in the back of the apartment facing the back porch. and i hide under the desk and she just stands infront of the window cause shes stupid in my dream and he immediently finds us and stasnd inf ront of the window and shes like "WHAT NOW HW FOUN D US!!!" and im like "well jeez nana i dont fucking know you idiot" so then i wake up


a very scary dream that i refuse to write cause i woke up sweating and crying from it


so i was a historian and i was in my apartment complex and it was snowing and it was the iceage and nobody in my apartment complex lived there anymore. So i was also a mechanic and the history things i was looking for was car parts so i found one in the snow by the map of the apartments, and i brought it over to my truck. And it was in the the space where my dad's work truck usually is, ( he has a scrappy old white truck with different house painting stuff and ladders and this is a black ford ).  And so there were like numbered stiickers on the parts and where they went so i knew where to put them. And so like in the dream there was

Angelica's apartment           mine          empty        blanca's           some karen's     and who cares'

and in the dream the car spot was in front of blanca's and the karen's apartments. So i start working on my 200$ truck (from strictly eyeballing it)(i know nothing about cars)(i was/am a great mechanic though)(and 200$ was alot of money), and this karen comes out. And shes like "Hi little boy" and im like "Hi." and shes like "Youre working on a car?" and im like "Yes, that is my job." and shes like "Well can I have that?" and im like "No, this is for my job." and shes like "You know my husband is a big car guy." and im like "Okay." and im just tired of her bullshit and trying to do my fucking job. So she runs back to her porch and gets her husband, darrel. ANd darrels like this southern alcoholic, bald, american flag tank top, beer in hand, sweaty. And so hes like "hi," and im  like "Hi." and hes like "mighty fine truck youve got there" and im like "Yes." and hes like "I'm good with cars" and im like "Okay." and hes like "i could take it off your hands" and im like "No, this is my job." And he goes back inside and momentarily so does she. So i can tell she's not going to leave me alone, so i call my nana. Also i live partially at my nanas and its convenient cause she lives in the same apartment complex as me. And im like "NANA" and shes like "ye- WHAT WAT" and im like "CAN I BRING MY TRUCK OVEr????" and shes like "WHY" and im like "NO TIME TO ANSWER." and shes like "OKAY OKAY" so i shut the car lid and jump in the truck and drive over into her car port and keep working on it, but the next historian artifact car part i need is at the neighborhood kids' area! And karen is already taking a train there (its literally a patch of grass by an apartment building in my complex theres no real train there) so i have to run over. and i get it and keep working on my truck while my nanas on her back proch smoking while i explain why im over here. And then, out of nowhere, theres the karen! and shes like "can i watch you little boy?" and im like "No." And we fight for a bit and she then goes over and starts trying to break into my nanas house so se can take olivia!!! ( my cat at my nanas) and so i yell at my nana to do something and shes panicking so eventually i tell her to keep the door closed while i grab the karens hsoulders and say "STop. You need to lleave or im calling the cops." cause unless you tell them to stopits not technically harrasment and so she desnt so i grab my nanas phone and try to call the cops but then my mom calls!!! so i answer thinking its the cops and her and my stepdad say "sweetie i thought ypu were just going to pay nana back? youvr been gone a while" and im like " I DONT HAVE ANYTHING TI PAY HER BACK FIR." and shes like "oh okay then!" and i hangup and i go to call the cops but shes already gone so then i just keep working on my car 




Alright we were outside in the rain, (me, my friend marcus, my dad, and kinsey), and we were playing this game like tag except youhave to tag somebody and grab orange carstickers and get all four and put them on your back windshield to leave. I was it, and i was running around and all of a sudden BOOM tagged my dad. So i yell "no tag backs!!!" and run off to kinsey, and shes like "i have four!!" and then my brother wakes me up

so then i go back to sleep!!!

and then im back in school, except school is like my apartment with a bunch of desks and my fifth grade teacher?? and so we do this dance party thing and im hiding in the closet with this girl from my fifth grade martha or some shit, and my teacher is like "literally just a guy!! its your turn to sing!" and im like "uh no? i dont want to" and shes like "well then you have to sing hat you wont sing!" and im like "uh no" and after a bit of back and forth she skips me. So i decide to go to my desk (my room) and see if everythings still thrre like she saiid it'd be. Everything in my room seems normal, and then i walk to my desk. My little brain teaser puzzle i borrowed from my nana is gone, half of my box of can tabs is gona and theres just trash in the box, all of my money is gone (even though i dont keep it on my desk irl??), all my bracelets were gone,  all of my random junk i have cause it makes my room crowded in a nice way was gone, you get the point. So i go out and all the other students are gone and their desks, the house is all grungy and gross, and i have two little siblings (not my real ones), now?? and so i see her shoving all the stuff (other than my money) down the garbage disposal and i m like "hey thats my stuff!" and shes like "no, it isnt (:" and im like "yes." and so i start takng care of my siblings. And im going to spare the details of this part, but there was like months and months worth of physical, psychological, mental, and sexual abuse from her, and so i decide im gonna get her arrested. I try secretly recording her, but you cant record on spacehey (that was my first try), theres a time limit on tiktok, and my camera app keeps closing or turning off. So i text my dad (the lady's my mom and my dads across the country with his gf)(None of this is true irl) and so i call him and tell him whats happening to us and he eventually comes to pick us up, so we all run out to his jeep and walk beside it while he very slowly drives away from our mom and shes like "I WILL VGET YOU BACK" and hes like "Oh shit, well be back for you" and he drives off and durin this shes on vacation but now shes coming back and we dont know what to do, so we all run to an aabadnoned house and turn into ghosts and she finds us, the end.


i cant remember


I was getting ready to go to like a concert and my dad was like "weve gotta be quick so we dont miss it!!" thats not how concerts work but anyways i went to my room and locked my door so i could do something and i dont remeber what it was but it was really necessary and i had to do it and then my dad knocked on my door and was like "hey weve gotta go!!" and i was like "im busy give me a minute!" and he was like "NO WEVE GOTTA GO" and at this point he was banging on the door and yelling at me and then he left and i finally finished!!! so i went out of my room and explained to my momwhat i had been doing and he threw the money at her and waas like "fine then, have fun you guys" and started to leave but then i said "really?" and started crying so he agreed to go!!!! so we all got in my dads truck and it just has like a bench thingy in the front so we were all very close and i went on spacehey ad my mom was like "who ya talking to?" and i turned off my phone and was like "nobody." and then i had a different dream!!!! so me and my mom were in a starbucks taking a bbreak from a marathon we were doing up a mountain that also like the mom of annakat you know the annoying mom in the tiktok clips was patricipating in. adn this bitch was being rude cause we came here on a bus so i poured a ddrink onher and then i woke up! and then i went back to sleep and had no dream that time




my dad woke my up at like six am and was like "cmon we gotta go" and i was like "where r we going its six am in the middle of summer??" and he was like "work, you gotta work every day of every summer" and i was like  "WHAT?? I DONT WANNA DO THAT" and he was like "Too bad." and i was like "alright," and then i though "ill just make up a bunch of excuses" and the end









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