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Category: Life

A start of something

Well it's kinda surprising that I want to start a daily entry once again. Maybe it will stick or maybe it will not.

What is blogging anyway? Is it what I'm doing right now? Am I gonna sit here and type and essay length entry for no reason other than, I just want to let you all know?

Where is this energy and motivation on writing a essay for college? I could really use some right now. It's very interesting psychological speaking, how many individuals online find joy in shouting in the void. Where they can just type, type, type. What about the reader of these types of entries. Do they find joy on looking to another persons life, even just a little.

I wonder if there's a word limit in this... 

I don't see a # out of # so I could go on forever...

If anyone else is reading this other than me, HELLO!

Welcome to the jumble mess of talking and focus that this profile has to over... 

Now that's out of the way let me ramble on....

When I first learn this site, my friend created account with their username on it. Tweeting that "I just created an account on spacehey, so if it blows up I'm the first one variation of my name." Granted that I did it also as well, but it got me thinking. Why do we like to claim ownership? From the slaves to the a username, why is it that the feeling of having it on your own feels so blissful. Is it power? bragging rights? Very interesting indeed. The motivation of being first ahead against everybody feels great, but if you get the short end of the stick and get last then its unfair. This dynamic of victory and defeat in human nature is amazing. I'm sure that researchers have been studying this topic for awhile, then again I'm to lazy to check. 

Anyways, now my friends just created an account and wait for spacehey to blow up. Well if it did great! Then we will have ads, corparations joining the ship. If it didn't well, many would stay until its closure. Money runs the world and power keeps it in place. The US is no longer powerful, Russia, China, and many other entities has some sort of control in the US. The Land of the Free has been easy picking for these people. Laughing, Degrading, the common folk.

Well I'll stop it right there. I don't want to stay here and keep typing. I have an assignment due tonight. :p

Then this is the end of my TEDtalk, ask questions now and learn from it later bye.

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