1'v3 b33n r34l 1n4ct1v3 l4t3ly s0 h3r3 h4v3 s0m3 j3t s3t r4d10 sk3tch3s 4nd f1n1sh3d 4rt 4s 4n 4p0l0gy  >;3

l00k 4t th3m 4r3n't th3y 4w3s0m3!!!!

[[I've been real inactive lately so here have some jet set radio sketches and finished art as an apology >;3

look at th3m aren't they awesome!!!!]]

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.Jp3g's profile picture

1n c4s3 4ny0n3's cur10us th3 gr4ff1t1 b3h1nd B34t 1s v4gu3ly b4s3d 0n s0m3 gr4ff1t1 h3 d0es 1n th3 1st g4m3! [4nd th3 jsr l0g0 duhh]

[[ In case anyone's curious the graffiti behind Beat is vaguely based on some graffiti he does in the 1st game! [and the jsr logo duhh] ]]

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CrisisGhost's profile picture

Your art is so fluid. I love it.

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by .Jp3g; ; Report